Embody Meditations
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." -Marcus Aurelius
Embody It
At Embody Meditations, our goal is to remember the words of those that lived before us and appreciate them in all of their wisdom for the betterment of us today. Though, our end goal is to not just wear their philosophy, as Epictetus says: "Don't explain your philosophy, embody it."
Embody Meditations
All of our T-Shirts are Unisex and are made from 100% Carded Cotton and hold simple phrases to keep in mind as you go about your day.
Embody Meditations
Dad Hats
Not just for dads, all of our "Dad Hats" are made from 100% Organic Cotton that hold embroidered words to better those who see you.
Embody Meditations
Corduroy Hats
All of our Corduroy Hats are made from 100% Cotton Corduroy with embroidered words to better your day and hopefully your life.
Embody Meditations
All of our Ceramic Mugs are made from lead and BPA-free material that have words said from those before us to set your mindset for the day as you drink your morning cup.